The Kappa Instructional Leadership League, also known as “Kappa League” is an organization designed to help young men of high school and middle school age to grow and develop their leadership talents. It provides challenging and rewarding experiences which richly enhance their lives.


Our primary purpose is to help young men set and achieve goals to make constructive contributions to their community.

How we do it

  • Providing activities and programs related to the five phases of Kappa League:

    - PHASE I: Self — Identify

    - PHASE II: Training

    - PHASE III: Competition

    - PHASE IV: Social

    - PHASE V: Health Education

  • Developing positive relationships

  • Mentoring and role modeling



Saturday, Dec 9, 2023
12:00 PM – 2:00 PM

Woodcreek HS, Library


Jonathan Arauz, CK McClatchy HS - Sr.

Bryan Greene, Woodcreek HS - So.

Suleiman Hassan, Oakmont HS - Jr.

Robert Matthew III, Folsom HS - Jr.

Jose Matthew, Smedberg JHS - 8th

Emmanuel Baker, Capital Christian School - 6th

Karlton English, Woodcreek HS - So.

Kaelond English, Silverado Jr.HS - 8th

Brian Holifield Jr., Rosemont HS - Jr.

Bryce Holifield, Rosemont HS - Fr.

Ezekiel Mitchell, Antelope HS -So.

Malike Jones, Westpark HS - So.

Happy Rice, Antelope HS - So.

Jaxson Johnson, Antelope HS - Jr.

Daunte Martin, Antelope HS - Sr.

Muibi Hassan, W.T. Eich MS - 6th